Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mother Earth – The Essential Mirror

AUGUST 17, 2015 

Only if one loves this earth with unbending passion can one release one’s sadness. A warrior is always joyful because his love is unalterable and his beloved, the earth, embraces him and bestows upon him inconceivable gifts. The sadness belongs only to those who hate the very thing that gives shelter to their beings. – Don Juan, Tales of Power

Do you pay attentions to omens? I do. Yesterday I came across two images that I adore, posted by fellow warriors. The one at the top of this post is an image I have used on and off as my cover and avatar for many years. The picture below is from an eye-opening article entitled The Greening of the Self: The Most Important Development of Modern Times.

As a warrior I identify with the earth, with all of her beings. Other warriors have urged me to release my attachment to the earth telling me that I am losing energy to her and that the earth is an illusion. I do not agree. The earth is not an illusion, the stories that encircle the earth are the illusions. It is impossible to lose energy to her because it is she, who energizes us. I do not know of any pain greater than that of the destruction of the earth and have tried to shield myself from the atrocities that occur upon her. But the truth is that the ability to shield oneself from the daily devastation of earth and her inhabitants is impossible when you honor her and love her; when you have merged and become one with her.

The earth is the ultimate mirror, the mirror that unconditionally reflects to us the horrors that we are imposing upon each other, upon every being to dwell upon her lush and sensuous body. She is doing her best to magnify the senseless destruction so that we may be able to recognize the error of our ways and transform them. The warriors who are paying attention are magnifying her reflection; it’s happening but we’re not there yet. Without going into the politics of it all, which you already know anyway, we must to align with the awareness of the earth being a sentient being that hosts life upon her body of soil, stone, and water.

When we align with her reflection of beauty and grace and wholeness, we arrive at a state of humility, gratitude, respect, and conservation for not only the earth but each other and all earthly beings. As more and more people resonate with that reflection or hologram it will become more and more magnified and the destructive forces will lose energy and become overshadowed by her radiance. We have to acknowledge that we are that radiance and reflect that out into the world.

To fully comprehend the totality of this amazing planet, it becomes necessary to get to know the Earth on an intimate level. Sitting upon Mother Earth is the most powerful teacher and catalyst but unfortunately, in current times, the connection to nature has become vastly diminished. The connection with the Earth was such an integral part of spiritual, emotional and physical vitality to our ancestors; it teaches us to learn how to listen to inner voices and truths. It is within our connection with the Earth that we come to know the pulse of the Earth and through this pulse we can align with the universal life-force energy. Within the vibrational energy of the Earth, we find ourselves to be in the moment without the distractions of the past or the future which allows us to begin to perceive things in a most incredible and new way. It is at this moment that we are completely aligned with the power of creation and the silent knowledge that allows us to know that we already know.

The Earth is the planet on which we, as pure consciousness, decided to take form. We wanted to explore life in human form and we chose this beautiful Earth on which to do it. We must pay homage to the Earth for her stately beauty, her selfless giving, and her constant acts of creation. She energizes us, soothes and heals us, and assists us in raising our levels of awareness and consciousness. In order to attain states of heightened awareness and higher levels of consciousness, we must be sure to embrace our opportunity to build a strong foundation on stable ground. Like trees, the more deeply rooted we become in the Earth, the more support we have for expansion.

The Earth is a witness to us all. As we deepen our connection to her we become free of the illusions that are the essential components of the man-made matrix. Fear, scarcity, dread, worthlessness, negativity, victimization, oppression, manipulation and domination all fall away and taking its place is abundance, creativity, harmony, beauty, equality, unity, peace and freedom. Thank you mother earth, for providing the energy that is necessary for us, as warriors, to attain total freedom.

We are children of the Earth, it is our ultimate source. The option of sorcerers is to unite with the awareness of the Earth, for as long as the Earth will live. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

Keep dancing!

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