Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life on Mars, The Smoking Gun, Herd Life Forms

By James Watson
Oct 3, 2010

They are called “dunes” by NASA, but tend to be seen in packs and have characteristics unlike any dunes I have ever seen.  Doubtless if NASA were to image a flock of sheep, they would call them dunes as well, in order to stay within the  The  Brookings Report findings.  The Brookings Report states that Earth’s civilization is too fragile to accept any inference of intelligent life outside of our planet, thus NASA and other agencies around the world work very hard to ensure images by probe cameras and telescopes show dull, dead arid, scenes.
The images used in this document are from NASA and taken using NASA Mars orbital cameras. They may be easily found by entering “Mars Images” using search engines such as Google.
The images in this document may superficially resemble dunes, but when one examines successive images taken over time, one notes characteristics common to herd life forms:
  • They are not seen alone
  • They are in herds or pack
  • They congregate in large masses
  • They have appendages, markings and bundles of fibers.
Further, the life forms have dark colored appendages that can be seen sticking up that resemble trees, bushes or are tubular and may trail behind the life forms.
The life forms are in such great numbers on the surface of Mars, that NASA by necessity hides them by using graphic tools in lightening, darkening, changing color, mid-tone and shadow, and eroding/filtering the image quality in various ways to make them opaque or flatten image characteristics to eliminate detail, and make them look like dune-like bulges of darkness, or innocuous surface features as illustrated in the group of five NASA tampered images below:

Let’s have a look at herd life forms.  First of all there are two types that seem to be more numerous than the others. One type is shown below. They seem to be moving on appendages/legs that keep the body away from the surface of the ground, indicated by slight shadowing under the life forms:

  The next series of images are of a far more numerous life form, and unlike any land-based form of life we have on Earth.  This image suggests the life forms are either gathering to form a massive colony or are migrating from the colony. Note the dark appendages at the top of many of the life forms and the suggestion of a membranous gelatinous body:

The next image shows the herd on the move. The means of locomotion is open to conjecture. The life forms appear to be able to change their overall shape as if they are membranous.  One curious item in the next three images can be seen near the bottom right, where one life form appears to be extending a tubular appendage to another. Rather strange behaviour for a “dune”:

In a closer look at that section of the image, the light and shading of the appendage suggests a tubular composition and is not trailing on the ground, but is extending above the ground and inside the other life form on an angle. It is difficult to tell if the left life form is extending it to the one on the right, or vice versa:

A still closer view shows more detail:


The next image shows heavy NASA image tampering. All detail has been removed, the images of the life form are dark, flattened and devoid of surface detail.  They are not crossing the crater, but seem to be gathering at exactly the same distance from the rim of the crater to inside the crater. It suggests life forms gathered for nourishment, much like animals on Earth drinking at a water hole. If one zooms the original image, bundles of fibers extend from the life form into the crater. The water hole analogy is quite apt:

The next image is of two life forms. Again, the image shows heavy NASA tampering eliminating useful detail. There are dark colored appendages at the apex of the life forms, and a flexible tubular appendage on the rear left of each life form. The base of the appendage may denote a muscular base. The inside of the back arched section of the life form may suggest various types of tissue and source of locomotion.

In presenting these NASA Mars Orbital Camera images, I have endeavored to limit speculation to a minimum.  My aim is to present the fact that there is indeed life on Mars of a type that is very different from Earth.  For NASA, the best way to hide something is in plain sight, and historically, it has worked well, If these NASA images are any indication,
Mars is an extremely interesting biosphere, but clearly very few scientists are privy to the untampered images.  The only way we can see what is truly there is to catch their mistakes.

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