Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mysterious humanoid caught in Lake Travis, Texas. Analysis...

In 2007, a college biology professor was taking some night shots by the Lake Travis, Texas, when suddenly he noticed two points of light ahead of one his students. Thinking it could be an animal, the professor had the shot light-blasted and took a couple of images. Later, while checking the pics, he noticed a blurred humanoid vulture in the place where he saw the two luminous points. Then he took the images to expert and paranormal investigator, Brad Steiger, that took the material to some photo laboratories. They enhanced the pics and the final result disclosed a 11 - 14 feet tall humanoid, wearing some odd suit. Steiger sent the images to Eddie Middleton, from Examiner, that posted them on website. Middleton regarded the vulture could be a Hopi ghostly apparition, but Steiger and the professor claimed it could be an alien. I did this video based in such pictures. If you have something to report about Lake Travis area, bring it on.

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