by Anup Shah
This page: http://www.globalissues.org/HumanRights/indigenous/.
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There are approximately 370 million indigenous people spanning 70 countries, worldwide. Historically they have often been dispossessed of their lands, or in the center of conflict for access to valuable resources because of where they live, or, in yet other cases, struggling to live the way they would like. Indeed, indigenous people are often amongst the most disadvantaged people in the world.
This web page has the following sub-sections:
Who are indigenous people and what makes them different?
Conflicting Issues such as Environment, “Biopiracy”
Indigenous people have often had many rights denied
UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Major Countries Opposed to Various Rights for Indigenous Peoples
Setback: draft Declaration opposed/delayed by a UN General Assembly subsidiary in November 2006
Declaration Adopted By UN General Assembly, September 2007
Customary Law—backward or relevant justice systems?
Indigenous Peoples’ Struggle Around The World
More Information
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